September 13, 2010

Did I Make Each Moment Count?

The reading in Courage to Change for today was a good reminder, even if I might not have followed it.

"Each moment of this day is precious, and I will make it count." Perhaps tomorrow I will give myself credit for doing my best to use the Program tools, and embrace every moment that I am conscious of my HP's presence in my life. Today I think I blew it, because I kept finding that voice of condemnation at each imperfect juncture, each choice.

Let me be kinder tomorrow and let myself be aware that each moment allows me a new place for positive change.

I like this idea of seeing "Time as a special kind of checking account." Each day there are twenty four hours.... that I can choose to use for my own growth. "By putting Al-anon's principles to work in my life today, I am choosing to use these hours to grow, enjoy, and improve."

Today I can accept that it was OK to learn from my mistakes, "since a brand new twenty four hours can begin at any moment." I don't really have to wait until tomorrow to start. I can let a good night's rest be my new beginning.

Today's Reminder

With each day, I have a whole new start to my life. What comes first in this next twenty four hours? Let me begin by taking good care of the gifts I am given, and using them with joy.

"May all beings learn how to nourish themselves with joy each day."
Thich Nhat Hanh


  1. A very wise and worthy post, Smitty. Thanks!

  2. It appears we are on the exact same wavelength, today! I wrote a post last night that is very reflective of this one.

    well said,

  3. Even though today was a rough one, I don't have to be stuck in sadness. I can feel sad without letting it bring up fear.


I welcome your thoughts. Keep me honest~