January 21, 2011

The most beautiful, an inspiration...

An EA friend shared this quote with our online group. It reminded me that all of us are diamonds in the rough. Not all of us wish to do the work of revealing our preciousness, nor have  the  desire to create a lasting legacy from the raw lump of rock we are given.  Some of us just think that life is ALL suffering and we strive ever for comfort, not realizing that by doing so we are not finding the richness the world needs from our lives. 

" The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known
defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found
their way out of the depths.  These persons have an appreciation, a
sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with
compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.  Beautiful people
do not just happen."

--Elisabeth Kubler Ross


  1. What a great quote. I am an optimist in spite of the pain of living. Every day is a new adventure.

  2. It is hard to feel compassion for someone else's suffering if you have never face pain yourself. At first the pain made me a hard person and then the 12 steps helped me to find my feelings so now I can show love and comfort.

  3. How true, Grace-WorkinProgress... I am realizing that my pain has always been serving a purpose.. this gives me relief...


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