March 21, 2011

Openness, Free of the Magnifying View

Some of us come into program out of desperation, finally realizing that we will never have our needs met by depending on others to read our minds.  In program I learned to communicate my needs directly, and from my heart.  This eliminates many of my resentments.  As the EA reading for March 15 reads, “ we create happiness and belonging, by our own efforts. The more we risk being open, the more we are given. “

What I learned from that reading was that when we are able to share with complete honesty about our emotional vulnerabilities, we can connect with others who identify with us.   Those friends can often help us treat those wounds with care and aid in the healing process.

On the other hand, if I only allow myself to dwell on wounds and express resentments, I may find I will have less and less access to peace of mind.  There is a balance to be struck. Let me remember that I don't go to our meetings just to unburden.

I found my balance in March 15th’s reading from One Day at a Time in Al-anon. Most of my posts this past five days were inspired by that reading, which ends with these words:

"I go to [program] to get rid of self-pity and resentments [not to keep them alive]. I ask God to keep me from magnifying my troubles by harping on them continually." 

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