May 11, 2011

Seeing Who I Really Am, through Speaking and Writing

I think it is such a gift that our programs stress the importance of seeing ourselves as we really are. Our meetings give us regular examples too, of the power in sharing openly of ourselves.

Our path is to bravely go where we into the corridors of our inner being, which may have never seen the light of day. With courage and honesty we examine our good traits and our not-so-good (and oft hidden) traits. For those of us who dare to follow this exciting path of self-knowledge, we find  that we build on the good and whittle away at those traits that don't serve us so well,  until bit by bit we shed our self-deceptions. We begin to grow into the people we have always wanted to be.

Today's Reminder:

We have so many tools at our disposal, from the Twelve Steps and Traditions, to Slogans and the Serenity Prayer, and the Promises.  Then we have the hard-won stories of people whose loving concern for us is like water after a long drought. Let me cooperate fully by using one of these "tools" today. To recover the me I am meant to be, my job is to "study and practice the program, to meditate and pray, to attend meetings and help others to understand and adapt the program to meet their needs.  Whatever I give away comes back to me in abundance.  

Let me ask myself this: What do I want my Twelve Step work to do for me? What if I begin today to put my intentions and my problems on paper where I can better see them? I may come to realize that when I share the fruits of this journey I encourage others to embark on a similar path of self-discovery. 

"They that dwell in the land of the shadow...upon them the light shine.." the Bible

Highly adapted from April 26th's  ODAT

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I like that what I give comes back in such abundance.


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