August 25, 2010

Smitty's ESH: The Music of Me

Today's Courage to Change reading takes us right to the keyboard, describing how a piano student is introduced to all the notes, eventually finding pleasure in mastering the range from "the lowest bass notes to the highest treble."

I love that the metaphor applies so well to the Al-anon's recovery experience. We start with basics that we may have missed with our first teachers; and through the gentle use of our program tools we eventually learn to appreciate the full range of our emotions!

To continue with the reading, "Today in our program, I am learning to play a new instrument--myself. I am a person with the capability to experience a wide range of emotions, from love to joy and wonder. I am profoundly grateful for anger and fear, because all of these feelings are part of what make me whole. I believe my Higher Power wants me to be fully alive and fully aware of all my feelings: The crashing crescendo of great anger, the soft chant of serenity, the heights of wonder and the insights that stretch my heart and mind just as my fingers stretch to reach all the keys in a challenging chord. I am learning to play richer sounds than I thought possible. "

As for me, my instrument is my voice. And I am grateful that it has served me well, for the most part, in articulating my emotions and who I am. More and more I am gaining the ability to listen closely so I may discern God's lyrics and His song wherever I go.

Are some of us lingering too much on notes of anger or sorrow or fear, letting others play the love notes? Let us all expand our repertoire!

Let Today's Reminder be a blessing for your day:

"Today I will appreciate the full range of feelings available to me. They make my experience of life full indeed."

If I feel depressed I will sing. Og Mandino

1 comment:

  1. Good interpretation of this. Thanks for sharing your E,S,and H.


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