September 18, 2010

I keep coming back, and it has been almost twenty years now! Still even after such a long time, it helps me to look back from time to time and reflect on where I was emotionally when I was new to the program. There is no question in my mind that I am better off today.

Today I found myself saying (almost these words from September 18th) to a newbie in my face-to-face group, "If someone had told me a year ago that would be where I am today, I wouldn't have believed it was possible."

I find so much evidence in my life that the program works--I can feel the peace in my heart.

The Courage to Change reading continues, "The longer I live by [program] principles, the more evidence I have. [to share] with others. [What I share during good times] gives me strong support in times of doubt and helps boost my courage in times of fear."

My problem emotion is anxiety. Rather than immobilizing me, it makes me scurry around like a rat in a maze. But today I have a program that helps me stop and remember I have new tools at my fingertips when anxiety comes up. Lots of good reminders come to me when I stop and pay attention. I can even call others in program if I want a reminder. Or I can also use my own memory to look at my progress. My program experience has taught me to" trust this wonderful recovery process" and share it with others.

"God gave us memories that we might have roses in December." James M. Barrie

1 comment:

  1. I have also said those words in a meeting--that I can't believe where I am today. I am grateful for being in a program of recovery. And it has made so much difference in my life.


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