September 20, 2011

When Time Was New....

It helps me to look back from time to time and reflect on where I was emotionally when I was new to the program. 

I had my first program meeting twenty years ago. There is no question in my mind that I am better off today. That is why I keep coming back. 

My problem emotion is anxiety. Sometimes it immobilizes me, and other times it makes me scurry around like a rat in a maze. But today I have a program that helps me stop and remember I have new tools at my fingertips when anxiety comes up. Lots of good reminders come to me when I stop and pay attention. I can call others in program if I want a reminder. Or I can also use my own memory to look at my progress. My program experience has taught me to" trust this wonderful recovery process" and share it with others.

I had a relapse less than a year ago, where my anxiety and lack of sleep triggered something bigger and landed me in hospital. It was a crushing blow. I tell those in my face-to-face group, "If someone had told me a year ago that would be in the good place I am today, I wouldn't have believed it was possible."

"The more I use  [program] principles the more evidence I have [to share] with others. [What I share during good times] gives me self support in times of doubt and helps boost my courage in times of fear."

Indeed I am living proof that the program works--I can feel its peace in my heart.

In program we are advised never to forget our deep Decembers. Honoring the past, helps us appreciate where we have been. We live more easily in the present, knowing that every day we practice a program principle...... we create roses in our life today.... 

This share is my own, largely inspired by September 21st's Courage to Change


  1. thank you SO much for this share. I need to always keep in mind that others are on a journey that is there own!

  2. I realize too that in my darkest times, I can reach out to others, have faith in my HP, and know that the darkness will pass. I have a good foundation to build on.


I welcome your thoughts. Keep me honest~