May 3, 2011


I and my family of three thought we would be living in our current home for a good long time.  But budget cuts have distinguished my husband's research facility for closure this coming year.  Miracles can happen, but I am praying for something a little different. 

I am glad to be inspired today by yesterday's reading from the EA Today book, which is about the transformation of rude awakenings.  

"Spiritual awakenings are sometimes disguised as rude awakenings."   Rude awakenings are the result of letting my expectations take over.  Anger often results from unmet expectations,  and from my losing sight of the real goal of my life- happiness. 

Do I want to find the peace that passes understanding? I might do well to take the Serenity Prayer to heart.  "God grant me the serenity... and the courage... to change the things I can." 

When I am in the throes of emotional pain-- like anger, fear or guilt--I can let the experience prompt me to  look at my expectations realistically. 

May I and my family find inner peace during this time in which decisions are being made in which we have little say. May this "rude" awakening be part of a spiritual unfolding.  We have a home in which we feel secure. In this place of safety,  may I have the courage to look at my wants (and needs) honestly and to change them if necessary.   If I have it in me to write a letter stating why this particular facility should remain open... may I find that power and focus soon. 

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to near about the facility. Too many research institutions hve closed. I hope that all will be well.


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