December 2, 2011

Step Eleven, Gratitude for Memories

A most important step. Eleven.

Deepening my program comprehension, I see how important it has been for me to use Step Eleven in building an understanding of my Higher Power, and for fostering the faith needed to continue in taking the Steps to recovery.

Gratitude is an amazingly powerful tool, and it fits my understanding of prayer.  Even more lovely is when it is heartfelt, but it need not start there (especially if my heart is in hibernation and my Inner Critic is running the show).

Today I have a surprise gratitude! My hub just called to let me know it was the twenty-fifth anniversary of our meeting at a professional conference, held in New Orleans that year.

My Triune gratitude? I am grateful for the reminder, grateful one of us remembered, and grateful that the milestone is one to be excited about! 

Best to all,  Smitty


  1. Indeed. I have the old-fashioned kind, like the loyal boy you knew in grade-school. Tried and true.

  2. Nice to remember when you met. I remember first meeting my wife.

  3. Syd, You mean you too are the one who holds the clearest memory of your meeting, just like my husband does?


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