August 10, 2012

So THIS is Powerlessness

Yesterday I was profoundly touched by the reading from  EA's  Today book, dated August 8th.  I cannot help but thinking that it would be a good fit for most folks who come to our rooms.  How about you?

It begins, "The longer I am in this program, the more aware I become of my need for doing a basic Step One. To use this step I have to admit my powerlessness over my emotions and [allow myself to see the unmanageability that has resulted from taking too much control.]"  

Becoming aware needs to be a process of my surrendering and putting old misconceptions behind me.  In taking this step, I begin to see clearly how my old life "became unmanageable" or came apart.  

"[Can I be gentle and  I ask myself,  h]ow often am I still denying, fighting, or feeling guilty about my thoughts and feelings? I cannot predict, control, or even understand my thoughts and feelings fully. They are a part of my humanness – and an acceptable part of me. Only by admitting and accepting my emotions as they are, can I be freed of their hold upon me."

The words in bold, are the best explanation of the POME statement (Powerless over my emotions) statement that grants us admission to EA's program of recovery. 

TODAY I WILL REMEMBER to "admit and accept my powerlessness." The paradox will be true empowerment, gained through self-acceptance. 

The meditation for the reading points the way to self-compassion, and to applying the steps with kindness:  " Help me to stop judging myself." This will be my Step Eleven prayer for today. 

 Quotes FROM: TODAY BOOK, ( "(C)Copyright Emotions Anonymous, used with permission of the EA International Service Center" (Third printing, 1991)."

1 comment:

  1. The whole powerless thing is a paradox to me, in that by admitting I'm powerless over people, places, things, and my feelings,, I am then "self-empowered" to not permit unhealthy thinking to spin around in my mind. But, rather, I can let . . . it . . . go.
    And its a beautiful thing!!
    have a great wknd


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