December 20, 2016

So You Want More Structure to Your Healing

Dear J,

I have learned something today from your humility in asking that members of our list-serve consider new ways of structuring their shares!  Imagine the gentle presentation of a novel idea, that we all embrace either a sharing which focuses on experience, strength and hope, or that speaks about how we work a step!

I can learn from observing how you communicate!  

I wish you the very best in initiating a turn of leaf, on our list serve, that can only serve to benefit others.   I am a long-timer on Loop, who has appreciated the past freedoms afforded by the Loop, to share more spontaneously,  who is slowly learning to model another way of being that is likely to be healthier.

Like you, I am working to create structure. Mine hopes to create a healing space for newcomers that works online. In the end, it may only work for me.  I like its gentler boundaries. I like that it can do  a formal group conscience—Eanon has moderators instead.  They do their best to be fair and even-handed in setting boundaries.  I give them a lot of credit for this, because I am a person who (unfortunately) tests boundaries, even when doing the best program I can do. 

Not everyone likes me, because of that.  That said, I hope to support your efforts in any way I can, and will share posts with you or the Loop as the topics come up. 

I hope that I will continue to interact with you in a way that allows you to grow fully and be what you need to see in your world.

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